Privacy Policy

(Last updated: 28/09/2018)


The App iKnow-IT is designed to protect credentials and configurations with the greatest level of data security, including private data. The App iKnow-IT does not collect any type of data, either IPs, locations, logs, statistics of use, analytical data,..., as well as personal data. NO DATA IS COLLECTED none whatsoever.

The App iKnow-IT is not associated with any remote server account. The only optional data collected by the App iKnow-IT are those required by the user (see further in “Access to the private areas…”) and are restricted to the user's device.


Access to the App iKnow-IT can and should be done with a user-defined code (Passcode). For greater security in accessing the data contained therein, the code is not stored in the database or another data storage system. The code remains resident in the memory of the device to ensure greater security and the code is never transmitted. The existence of the code as well as its complexity is of the utmost importance. All critical data (Account data) is stored in an encrypted manner with the most secure levels available to date. The encryption key is generated based on the access code of the App iKnow-IT, therefore it is of utmost importance to have an access code (Passcode).

In case of more than four unsuccessful attempts (with wrong code) all existing data in App iKnow-IT will automatically be erased to ensure that no access to the data is available from any unauthorized user.

Access to the private areas of the device (optional):

            Access to Contacts (optional):

If you want to copy data (photo, name) from your contacts list to fill in the fields of the Groups or Entities your permission will be required. The data collected will be exclusively for use in the App iKnow-IT.

            Photo Access/Camera roll/Albums (optional):

If you want to copy images/photos from your photo album to the images/avatar of the Groups, Entities or Accounts to the App iKnow-IT, your permission will be required. The images/photos will be exclusively for use in the App iKnow-IT.

            Access to the Camera (optional):

If you want to take a picture to use as an image/avatar of the Groups, Entities or Accounts, for digitalizing documents or reading QR codes, your permission will also be required. Captured images will be exclusively for use in the App iKnow-IT.

Once given, your permissions can always be changed. To do so, go to the App iKnow-IT area in your device Settings. The permits are not necessary to enable the app to work.


iCloud Drive and Export:

The App iKnow-IT has the ability to backup both the app itself and the iCloud Drive, and it also has the possibility to export groups, entities or accounts. Since it is of utmost importance to make backups, this functionality has been implemented.

Backup files and export files are only recognized by the App iKnow-IT, because they have their own format and structure and are encrypted, the encryption key is generated based on the access code to the App iKnow-IT.

Export is intended to be able to copy Groups, Entities or Accounts between devices with the same App iKnow-IT.


The user is solely responsible for the correct use of the App iKnow-IT as well as the way it saves the data, by doing backups periodically and keeping secure the access code.

We are not responsible for the incorrect use of App iKnow-IT. For example, not saving critical data in the correct zones (Accounts) as well as not periodically making backups in both for the device and outside of it (ex: iCloud Drive).  We do not accept responsibility for cases of theft, loss or irreversible damage to the device, and also the acquisition of knowledge of the access code by third parties not authorized by the user.

The user is fully responsible for the use of the TouchID/FaceID option, we cannot accept any responsibility for unauthorized users successfully using this functionality and having access to the data contained in the App iKnow-IT.

We cannot accept any liability for the access to the information contained in the App iKnow-IT in the absence of the access code, as well as access to the backup and export files that are not protected with the Access code.

No liability can be accepted for the use of simple and/or easy-to-deduce codes (e.g. all equal/sequential characters/user name,...). The user must create some complexity in the code (e.g. containing uppercase, lowercase characters, numbers,..., and preferably more than 6 characters).

We will not be responsible for the malfunction or discontinuance of the App iKnow-IT when the cause is due to the activity of third parties, or arising from misuse of the device itself.



eMail:    iknowit (at)